Pierrette’s boutique
Pierrette has selected 956 authentic and typical dishes from French areas , specialities and desserts from French cuisine .
Pierrette’s guidebook which has been approved by Joel Robuchon , Marc Veyrat and which is being used in catering schools
Paul Bocuse , Ferrandi in Paris, Cordon Bleu in the world, is available on the website; the booklet of recipes can be offered
or sold separately for 10 € on the web site with paypal.
N° 91 PIERRETTE’S GUIDE , Bouillabaisse

For 6 persons
Preparation Time: 1 ½ hours , Cooking Time: 1 ½ hours
4 scorpion fish, scaled and cleaned ,
4 weever fish, scaled and cleaned ,
4 slices of conger eel ,
1 2,pound (1 kg) St. Pierre (John Dory) fish ,
6 potatoes ,
20 slices baguette ,
1 garlic clove ,
salt, pepper
For the fish base:
2 pounds (1 kg) rock fish
2 leeks
2 onions
1 head of garlic
6 sprigs of parsley
6 sprigs of fennel
4 tomatoes
¼ cup olive oil
2 bay leaves
1 piece orange peel
1 Cayenne pepper
2 dashes of saffron powder
Do not scale the rock fish. Rinse them and clean the largest ones. Wash the leeks and cut them coarsely.
Peel, wash, and chop the onions. Peel and crush the garlic cloves. Wash and dry the parsley and fennel. Crush the tomatoes. In a cooking pot over low heat, brown the egetables with the olive oil, bay leaves, orange peel and pepper.
Cook for 15 minutes. Add the rock fish and season to taste. Allow everything to brown for 15 minutes and then add 3 quarts (3 liters) of boiling water. Simmer for another 10 minutes.
Once removed from the heat, remove the sprigs of fennel and the orange peel.
Put what remains through a food mill equipped with a coarse,texture grinding dish and then through a strainer. Add the saffron. Season to taste and set aside.
Peel, wash, and cut the potatoes into large cubes. Cook them in a stewpot for 30 minutes in equal parts of fish base and water. Salt. Set aside Make the aioli.
Toast the baguette slices and rub them with a clove of garlic. Place them in a soup tureen.
Bring the rest of the fish base to a boil.
Poach the fish in the base, starting with the firm fish, and let them cook over low heat for 6 ‘.
What is excellent respecting is dealing with rather of depending on.